Transboundary strategy for communication about nature conservation

Snapshot Solution
Workshop with managers from Bavarian Forest National Park and Šumava National Park, Neuschönau, Germany
Bavarian Forest National Park

The project used a participatory decision-making process to develop recommendations for transboundary cooperation in targeted external communication about nature conservation in the two national parks. The project led to a joint agreement about the allocation of resources (money and staff time) to maximize public opinion about nature conservation activities in the parks. Some of the actions will be implemented through jointly funded park projects from 2017-2020.

Last update: 17 Jul 2019
Défis à relever
Lack of access to long-term funding
Lack of technical capacity
Poor governance and participation
Scale of implementation
Temperate deciduous forest
Outreach & communications
Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald, Sankt Oswald-Riedlhütte, Germany
North Europe

The joint, participatory process led to insights for park staffs in coordinating their external communication about nature conservation in the parks and enhanced communication between authorities of the two protected areas. Authorities from each park came to a common understanding of shared objectives, actions, external factors at least partly beyond their control, and their linkages regarding external communication about nature conservation in the parks. The project generated a decision-analytic tool that can be expanded to inform an adaptive external communication program that can be linked to surveys and other analyses of public opinion. The park authorities also learned about structured decision making as a participatory decision-analytic process, which led to new insights about their respective external communication programs and activities. The joint communication activities are expected to improve public opinion of maintaining or increasing non-intervention areas, natural resource management activities, and trustworthiness and competence of park staffs. Improved public opinion and transboundary cooperation are expected to enhance peace, biodiversity, and other ecosystem services in the transboundary region.

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