Feasibility study and benefit validation

A guided assessment of the forest areas suitable for the sale of conservation credit units (CCU) in the foreseen region is done with the Global Conservation Standard (GCS). The elaboration of a masterplan outline the project area and its potential to sell CCU (based on criteria by the IPPC). All interventions are defined through participatory planning (calculation credit generation, beneficiaries, marketing). Once the masterplan is accepted by GCS, the international registration is done at Markit.

  • Available scientific information
  • Technical guiding, capacity building and financial support of donor agencies
  • Political will of governmental and private landowners to cooperate and establish a Steering Committee with representation from public and private sectors
  • Involvement of FUNDECODES, a local non-governmental organization recognized by the stakeholders
  • GCS implementation is not linked to any transfer of ownership
  • There is no eligibility restriction on landscape type or geographical area
  • Agreeing on and establishing common goals is fundamental for participatory planning and local actors’ ownership of the project, which favors the development of proposals aimed at mitigating impacts produced by productive practices.
  • When the community leads local development of conservation measures, the pressures on the mangrove forest are reduced, supporting resilience and thus the health of the ecosystem services of the area.
  • The project acceptance depends on the positive perception by the local actors.