High degree of commitment

The high degree of commitment assumed by all the parties involved in this process was key to achieving the objectives of this project. First, the women themselves are determined to engage and transform their situation. Second, the government officials, who are working on the Small-Scale Fisheries guidelines project, as well as the national task team and EMEDO are all committed in working together to improving women's livelihoods in the fisheries sector.

Women's commitment is demonstrated by their volunteering spirit driving them to use even their own resources to pay for their transport to be able to attend a meeting with their assocation.

  • Patience
  • Persistence and 
  • Perseverance

Those elements were essential for achieving the goals.

If you do not have patience, commitment and energy you cannot do it, being perseverant is always a key factor.

The importance to work together, this union was very useful for decision making and for pushing to go ahead with this project.