The role of local communities in Ecosystem-based Adaptation

Indigenous peoples and local communities already adapt to the impacts of climate change around the world, often being the drivers of solutions. Delve into these inspiring examples that highlight their role! 

Errol Douwes
Shaping nature - Restoration of forest ecosystems
Shaping the future - The Tree-preneuer model, on-site research, and reforestation hub
Shaping change - Towards the eThekwini Municipality’s community ecosystem-based adaptation (CEBA) programme
Christian Vinces
Fortalecimiento de la institucionalidad y la organización comunal
Fortalecimiento de capacidades y conocimientos locales
Mejoramiento de infraestructura verde-gris
1. Establishment of an operational committee with representatives of the Indigenous population, local authorities and other important stakeholders for joint project management
2. Installation of problem-solving platforms, which serve as working groups for conflict resolution and consensus building, especially on land tenure and resource use issues
3. Identification of flexible project implementation mechanisms, which can reflect demands at the local level (e.g., contracting of local employees from the Miskitu population)
GIZ Brazil
Participatory approach – Community-based solutions
Gendered Community-based EbA solution
Implementation Approach: Virtual Actions after planning and engagement– Due to Covid
CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC POLICIES: Santos Climate Action Plan (PACS), Conservation and Restore of Atlantic Forest Plan (PMMA) and Sao Paulo State Climate Action and Race to Resilience
Strengthening self-esteem
Planning as a basic tool for organisation and adaptation
Participatory assessment of climate vulnerability
Co-production of adaptation intervention feasibility assessment
Implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation interventions