You think that you have an experience to share which meets the criteria for PANORAMA Solutions? We would love to learn more about it!

You think that you have an experience to share which meets the criteria for PANORAMA Solutions? We would love to learn more about it!
Full Solutions are documented using the complete Solutions case study template. This includes a detailed description of the context in which your Solution is applied (region, ecosystem etc.) and further details about the Solution (challenges addresses, beneficiaries etc.).
Most importantly, the Full Solution template allows for describing the Solution’s replicable key components, or “building blocks”. This information related to the building blocks is crucial to facilitate re-application and adaptation of your experiences, considering that Solutions as a whole are usually context specific, while their individual components may be transferable to other contexts.
Furthermore, the Full Solution template allows you to add a personal “story”, which describes how the Solution works, possibly from the perspective of a beneficiary, and using less technical, more subjective language. The story allows us to promote your Solution through various communication channels, such as social media.
Typically, it will take you 1-2 hours to write up the first draft of a Full Solution.
Submitting a Snapshot Solution allows you to contribute to PANORAMA easily and quickly and explore the added value of the format.
The Snapshot Solution template is a shortened version of the Full Solution case study template. It captures a short description, or abstract of the Solution; a paragraph on impacts; and information on the organisations and individuals involved as well as links to further information.
Typically, it will take you 5-10 minutes to write up the first draft of a Snapshot Solution.
What is the relationship between a Solution and a building block?
A Solution is comprised of two to six building blocks, which in their unique combination and adaptation to the specific context contributed to making the Solution a success.
You think that you have an experience to share which meets the criteria for PANORAMA solutions? We would love to learn more about it!
Please enter your solution directly on the web platform, clicking on the Contribute solution green button in the website header.
Once you have completed all mandatory sections of the template, you can submit your solution. It will then be shared for review to the coordinator of the respective thematic portal under which you entered your solution. (Note that you can propose your solution to be published under other thematically relevant portals, in addition to the "main portal" to which you submit it).
The coordinator of your solution's main thematic portal will ensure its review. To ensure a consistent quality standard throughout PANORAMA, and to support you in producing a concise, logical, high-quality description of your solution.
Following the review, you can revise your text, based on the reviewer’s comments. In total, 2-3 rounds of review and revision are expected. Once both sides agree on a final description of your solution, it will be published and will appear on the PANORAMA platform.
Tier 2 (Quality): Checklist of quality criteria for solution drafting and review (if “The Big Three” are met):
1. Have all mandatory sections been completed?
All sections of the solution and building blocks should be completed.
2. Is information listed in the correct section?
E.g. “impacts” describes the positive changes of the solution (ideally on society, ecosystems/environment and economy).
3. Is the location marked correctly on the map?
The pin marks either the direct location of the solution or the location of solution providers in the country. In case of more than one location, the pin marks one location but the regional character of the solution is explained in the text description and in the field “additional locations”.
4. Is the author affiliation and contact current? Has a further institutional contact been provided? (Important if the author leaves the organisation!) (only full solution)
Make sure that the contact information of the solution provider is complete (e-mail), and that a further institutional contact is provided.
5. Have the relevant tags been set correctly (including SDGs and Aichi targets)? (only full solution)
The tags reflect the information provided in the text description of the solution and its building blocks. Please make sure that the Aichi targets and SDG´s are correctly marked.
6. Is the solution up to date? (only relevant for revision of already published solutions)
The solution has been revised or updated in the last 12 months
7. Is grammar and spelling correct?
The text has no grammatical and spelling errors > Spellchecker
8. Is the language clear and understandable for a broad audience?
The text is understandable and well written; sentences are not too long or complicated; IMPORTANT: the language style of non-native speakers should be tolerated to maintain ownership of solution providers.
9. Is the content in all sections clear and concise and does it avoid redundancy where possible?
The content is understandable for non-technical readers who are not familiar with the context and details of the solutions. Repetitions are avoided.
10. Are all abbreviations properly explained the first time they are used?
All abbreviations are explained, e.g. GIS (Geographic Information System)
11. Are specific terms (e.g. local species names, technical terms) explained where needed?
All terms unknown to a broad international audience must be explained the first time they are used. E.g. Avicennia ssp.(mangrove species). Where possible, internationally recognized terms should be used, rather than local names.
12. Is the description of the solution and its building blocks logically sound and does it provide a clear explanation how the process worked, describes the main challenges and how and which impacts were achieved?
Text information on “summary”, “challenges”, the process (“building block description”; “enabling factors” and lessons learnt” for building blocks) and “impacts” are logically interlinked: e.g. The key essence of the solution is described under “summary”; the positive “impacts” directly address the “challenges”. For the Building Blocks, “lessons learned” describes key outcomes of the process for developing and applying this particular building block, and the most relevant elements for further replication; while “enabling factors” describe the conditions that made the building block possible in the first place.
13. Have the building blocks been clearly identified, appropriately named, and represent the core components of the solution?
(only full solution)
Building blocks are distinct elements with a clear title; their interlinkage has been explained in the respective section of the template and they follow a logical sequence.
14. Is the story inspiring and meaningful? Does it give a different or enriching perspective to understanding the solution?
(only full solution)
The story is ideally written from a local, possibly subjective perspective (e.g. beneficiaries), in a more conversational tone, addresses the major challenges, processes, and impacts of a solution and avoids too technical language.
15. Are the photos and videos meaningful, of good quality and enrich the description of the solution?
Photos and videos visualize key elements of the solution and its building blocks and can be a combination of footage showing the location, actors, process, and impacts of a solution; they are described properly and the source/copyright information is provided.
16. Are additional resources listed? Do they help to gain further understanding of the solution, and do they include technical and background information on how the solution may be replicated?
The solution contains uploaded background documents such as reports, brochures, fact sheets, news articles, thesis, scientific publications etc. or hyperlinks to these documents and to websites. All hyperlinks are working.
17. Have all institutions and individuals involved in the solution been acknowledged?
Please check with the solution provider to make sure that the acknowledgments are complete.
Solution - Successful approach that addresses a conservation and sustainable development challenge with a proven impact.
PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet - A partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and sustainable development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration.
PANORAMA web platform - online platform that allows users to contribute their solution, as well as browse through a growing number of successful approaches presented in the form of solution case studies and building blocks.
Building blocks - Core elements of a solution, such as instruments, tools, approaches, partnerships or processes, that determine its success. Building blocks may be adapted and, if appropriate, recombined with others to address specific challenges in different socio-cultural and ecological contexts, sectors, or geographies.
Solution provider – Person closely involved in the implementation of the solution, who documents the solution in the PANORAMA case study template. This person has in-depth knowledge of the solution. The solution provider will be visibly acknowledged with his/her name, contact details and affiliation on the web platform, and takes full responsibility for the solution description that will be published, including ensuring appropriate acknowledgment of all relevant institutions and individuals. Solution providers also agree to being contacted by other users of the platform and engage in exchange.
Solution seeker - Person facing a challenge in his or her work context and looking for inspiration on how to address this challenge without “re-inventing the wheel”.
Solution template / PANORAMA template - Standard format used for the documentation of solution case studies, with focus on the identification, description and interaction of building blocks of a solution. The aim is to describe a solution in a clear and concise way that is inspiring and helpful for “solution seekers”.
PANORAMA Community - We cluster solutions by themes, relevant to different user groups. These themes are the PANORAMA Communities. Each Community is coordinated by one or several PANORAMA partner organizations.
PANORAMA Community coordinator – One or several PANORAMA partner organizations coordinate each Community, with dedicated staff acting as focal points. Community coordinators ensure the quality of solutions through our review process. They also actively source and promote solutions , and engage with the community of practice linked their thematic area.
Full Solution - Full solutions are documented using the complete solutions case study template. This includes a detailed description of the context in which the solution is applied (region, ecosystem etc.) and further details about the solution (challenges addresses, beneficiaries etc.). Most importantly, the full solution template allows for describing the process and the solution’s replicable key components, or “building blocks”. Furthermore, the full solution template includes a section for a personal “story”, which describes how the solution works, possibly from the perspective of a beneficiary, and using less technical, more subjective language.
Snapshot Solution - Solutions documented in an abbreviated version of the solutions template, allowing solution providers to contribute to PANORAMA easily and quickly and explore the added value of the format. The snapshot solution template includes sections for abstract, impacts; and information on the organisations and individuals involved as well as links to further information.