

He has a PhD in Systems Engineering and Computing from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Data Bank - COPPE / UFRJ - 2013). He has a Masters in Systems Engineering and Computing from the Military Engineering Institute (Data Bank - IME - 2000). He has been a full-time Technologist (Data Analyst since 2002) at the Botanical Garden Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IPJBRJ), an institution of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA). In the IPJBRJ he is also a professor (permanent member) of the Professional Master's Degree in Biodiversity in Conservation Units at the National School of Tropical Botany (ENBT), is Data Advisor of the Research Directorate, Coordinator of the Scientific Computing and Geoprocessing Center (NCCG) and Head of the Thematic Team of Scientific Information. He is an Adjunct Professor of Computing Engineering and Researcher at Universidade Católica de Petrópolis (UCP) since 2000. He is Professor of Information Systems at Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA) since 2003, where he is also Professor of Postgraduate Studies in Database Administration and researcher in the Research Productivity modality. Has experience in the area of ​​Computer Science and in the development of systems for biodiversity. It conducts research in the Database line, especially in Data Mining applied to biodiversity data, with an emphasis on association algorithms. Some papers are available at:
