API Documentation

The PANORAMA API allows you to display selected solution case studies on your website. Only certain parts of the solution description can be called/accessed, these include several filters and sorting options to request the solutions data you need. This documentation helps you to use the PANORAMA API and to find the correct settings.


To use the API, add your PANORAMA API access token to the API request:


Basic usage and language of solutions

The URL of the PANORAMA API is:


The language prefix can be set to one of the three languages used on PANORAMA: en = English, fr = French and es = Spanish. The language prefix determines in which language the solutions are listed: setting it to "en" will list the solutions with their English translation as long as there is an English translation - otherwise the solution will be listed in it's original language which can be French or Spanish.


You can modify this behaviour and force to receive only the solutions which are published in a specific language by adding a filter to your API request. For example: If you want to receive solutions which are translated to Spanish use the following API request:


Please consider the following:

  • Filters are added by using the filter name ("language"), followed by square brackets [], the equal sign and the value. More about that below.
  • If you add the filter "language" you do not automatically receive the corresponding translated texts. Remember to change the language prefix to receive the solutions translated to the language you prefer.
  • You can add multiple request parameters by adding them with "&" to the API request.


You are able to change the sorting of the solutions you receive from our API. For sorting, there are two parameters available: "sort_by" and "sort_order" (which is optional). For "sort_order" you can set "ASC" for ascending order and "DESC" for descending order. Please keep in mind that the values "ASC" and "DESC" for the "sort_order" parameter need to be written with uppercases. When no "sort_order" parameter is set each option for "sorty_by" has a default value. The options for the "sort_by" parameter are the following:

When you want to get the solutions in alphabetical order ascending you would add the following to your request:


  • changed: Sorting by date the solutions were changed the last time to get the latest first (or last). Default order: DESC
  • title_field: Alphabetical order by title of the solution. Default order: ASC
  • search_api_relevance: Relevance of the solutions related to a search term - this sorting option is just useful if you run a query against our search which is explained later. Default order: DESC (high relevance first)


You can use many filters to filter out just those solutions which are of interest for you. 

It is important to note that filters need to be added with square brackets to your API request as each filter can be used multiple times. For example, to get solutions connected with category "Agro-ecosystem" (which id is 370) from the filter "Ecosystem", you will need to add the following to your API request:


This makes it possible to collect solutions connected to different categories within the "Ecosystem" filter. If you may be interested in solutions related to "Agro-ecosystem" and "Desert ecosystems" (which has the id 33) you may use the following API request:


To get all the filters you want to use you may use the PANORAMA Explorer page - when you use the explorer for filtering in the browser address bar you will find a URL with all parameters you need. You can use these URL parameters to add them to the PANORAMA API request path. Keep in mind that you have some more filters available in this API. 

Search with search terms/ keywords

Similar to PANORAMA Explorer page page you can run a search to find solutions related to one or more keyword/ search term. Use the "keyword" parameter for this:


You can add multiple keywords to narrow the search, by adding keywords separated by URL encoded spaces so that a search for "marine fisheries" will look like the following:


For API requests with search terms you should always add the sorting parameter "sort_by" with value "search_api_relevance" to get those solutions first which are more relevant regarding your search:



In each response you will receive maximum of 20 solutions. The API offers a paging so that you can receive the next 20 solutions by adding the "page" parameter to your request:


The response does not include any information if there are solutions on page 2 so you need to check this yourself when calling the next page.

Requesting a Single Solution by ID or WDPA

You can use the Parameters &nid=NODE_ID and &wdpa=NODE_ID

To request a single Solution you can use the &nid Filter 
You can find the ID by requesting API (it is part of the solution object) or by looking at the HTML sourcecode of a Solution (see body tag)



Protected Areas Solutions contains the Protected Planet WDPA ID. 
The response will include all Solutions with the matching ID



Requesting Solutions by country ISO codes

Use the parameter &country_iso_2 to request Solutions filtered by country iso 



Requesting Solutions by Portal Title

Use the parameter &portal_title to request Solutions filtered by the Portal they are assigned to. The portal Title can be found as part of the URL which belongs to a portal / thematic community page. 

E.g. https://panorama.solutions/en/portal/protected-areas
where protected-areas ist the correspronding portal title which can be used as an API filter.



Requesting Solutions by Portal ID

Use the parameter &portal_id to request Solutions filtered by the Portal ID they are assigned to. The Portal ID can be found in the URL when editing a Portal page.
