The Power of Knowledge about Mangroves in Shaping Conservation and Policy
The Key Processes in Integrating Mangrove Conservation into National Policy
Building Effective Partnerships for Mangrove Conservation and Policy Integration
Capacity building, Knowledge sharing and awareness raising on CBEMR with Stakeholders
Establishment of CBEMR demonstration site for learning and research
Monitoring and evaluation for evidence-based practice and sustainability
The nutrition value of fish
Evidence: The current role of fish
How to make more fish available in the local market
Benefits of small-scale aquaculture comparing to industrial production
Regular evaluations
Formulation of an effective national policy framework on IAS
Capacity building, knowledge and information-sharing systems to address the IAS threats
Investment in sustainable management, prevention, eradication, and control of IAS and restoration of IAS-degraded habitat at key marine and coastal areas.
Community-Based Forest Management
Fire Management
Estrategias de educación ambiental participativa
Gestión participativa
Alianzas institucionales y con las OSC
Proyecto ciudadano con gestión de fondos
Mesa de trabajo interinstitucional para la creación del plan de Manejo
Enabling Environment & Sector Coordination
Status Quo Assessment and Management Plan
Identification of Value Addition Opportunities
Continuous Aftercare
Collaboration and Partnerships for Environmental Education
Landscape Assessment for Species Success
Using Football as a Catalyst for Environmental Conservation
Monitoring & Evaluation: The Core of Sustainable Conservation
Participatory research to identify local environmental challenges
Review current laws & policies and stakeholder mapping
Policy formulation and development process
Capacity building and awareness creation
Implementation and Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning
Identify the problem in the community with the community leading the process
Creating community led committees to ensure participatory approaches are implemented
Raising awareness about climate mitigation and adaptation
Identifying with the communities strategic locations for solar panel implementation
Community-Based Nursery Beds
Tree Planting at community Level
Cash Crop Integration for Sustainable Incomes
Planning Phase
Training Sessions
Launch of the hydroponic facility
Biodiversity Monitoring
Scientific Publicity and Education
Sustainable Development Programs