Engaging diverse partners to address climate change impacts
Engaging citizens to control the spread of invasive species
Restoration of degraded habitats
Enhancing water availability to reduce conflict
Formal and informal training for adaptation
Actions that conserve and protect natural assets
Actions that boost on-farm productivity through relevant training to enhance capacities
Actions that link smallholders with markets and financial services
Scientific Planning (Ecological restoration and conservation planning for adaptation to climate change)
Ecological Restoration (Nature-based solutions that both restore ecosystems and also sequester carbon, e.g. "trees, shrubs and grass" approach)
Sustainable land management (Accessible, technology-driven decision-making tools; Sustainable grazing management in degraded grasslands; sustainable “dry farming” agriculture management suitable for arid and semi-arid areas)
Community development (Environmental awareness, volunteer opportunities, and skill trainings)
Monitoring and evaluation (Ecological monitoring and benefit evaluation)
An accepted Marine Protected Area with shared governance
Better knowledge for better management
Back to some successful management
Watershed baseline survey to develop hydrological maps
Mobilizing and building capacity of community Institutions
Partnerships and alliances building with businesses
Business engagement and soliciting financing commitments
Diagnosis and action plan
Awareness and formation of a revitalization group
Bottom Up - Grassroot initiative
Top Down - National and International initiative
Forests for Live Movement (Network Building)
Participative selection of restoration areas within Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)
Community-based Maintenance for Sustainable Livelihood
Adopt-A-Seedling (AAS) Program
Using Native Trees in the restoration sites
Participatory needs assessment
Participative management
Ecological restoration
Fine-tuning site management
Restoration Know-How
Demonstrating restoration in-situ
Resolving the future of all peatlands in Belarus.
The "Akha" Top-Lit Updraft (TLUD) Gasifier Cookstove
Coastal Field Schools
Associated Mangrove Aquaculture (AMA)
Community-based Approach
Alternative livelihoods