The protected area solutions portal is co-coordinated by the IUCN Global Protected Areas Programme and UNDP.
Helping countries and communities designate and manage systems of protected areas on land and in the oceans has been at the core of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s work for decades. The Global Protected Areas Programme, together with the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), leads these activities.
UNDP, and the Global Environmental Finance Unit (UNDP-GEF), is one of the most significant contributors of technical assistance to protected and conserved areas around the world. UNDP’s Ecosystems & Biodiversity (EBD) portfolio supports over 130 countries, and with a significant portion of the EBD portfolio focused on protected areas projects, UNDP can link their vast network and diverse expertise in landscape solutions to the Panorama platform.
Through PANORAMA, IUCN and UNDP assemble case studies that showcase how protected areas provide solutions to a multitude of global challenges, such as climate change, food and water security. They also promote innovative approaches to protected area management and governance itself.
The initial portfolio of protected area solution case studies was launched at the IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) 2014 in Sydney, together with the first prototype of a PANORAMA online platform. The Congress was held under the motto “Parks, People, Planet: Inspiring Solutions”, and PANORAMA became an integral part of the WPC outcome document, the Promise of Sydney.
The current PANORAMA platform places protected area solutions in a larger pool of solutions from different themes relating to conservation for sustainable development.
Find out more about IUCN’s and UNDP’s work on protected areas!