About the community
Climate change is affecting natural and economic ecosystems in every country on every continent. Intense droughts, increasingly heavy rainfalls, extreme temperatures, water scarcity, fires, flooding, declining biodiversity, famine – the impacts are multiple.
Scientists agree that one of the main – and man-made – drivers of climate change are greenhouse gas emissions. Many global frameworks and agreements have been developed to create pathways and guide actions that combat climate change, including the Paris Agreement and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Also, governments, organisations, companies, civil society, and many others are already formulating and implementing concrete actions to reduce emissions in their countries, regions, cities, and communities.
PANORAMA Mitigation compiles tangible and replicable solutions from around the world for developing, implementing and upscaling measures for a more sustainable, efficient, and -above all- low-carbon development.
About the coordinator
The community is coordinated by the German Development Cooperation within its project ACCION Clima, financed within the German government’s International Climate Initiative (IKI). GIZ accompanies the Costa Rican government on its path towards decarbonising its economy by strengthening the country’s climate governance with state and non-state actors alike, improving access to climate finance, and supporting concrete climate actions with a series of diverse actors. Also, ACCION Clima promotes and fosters national, regional and international knowledge exchange, disseminating Costa Rica’s experiences in implementing its Nationally Determined Contributions on a regional level, and coordinating knowledge exchange among IKI projects in Central America and the Caribbean.
Interested in co-coordinating this community with us? Contact us at iki.interfaz.cac@giz.de.