Aviso legal

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


Domicilios de la Sociedad

Bonn and Eschborn, Germany


Friedrich-Ebert Allee 32 + 36

53113 Bonn, Germany

Phone: +49 228 44 60-0

Fax: +49 228 44 60-17 66


Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5

65760 Eschborn Germany

Phone: +49 6196 79-0

Fax: +49 61 96 79-11 15

Email: info@giz.de

Internet : www.giz.de


Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil del

Juzgado local (Amtsgericht) de Bonn, Germany : HRB 18384

Juzgado local (Amtsgericht) de Frankfurt am Main, Germany: HRB 12394


VAT no.

DE 113891176


Consejo de Administración

Tanja Gönner (Chair of the Management Board)

Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel





Global Headquarters

Rue Mauverney 28

CH - 1196 Gland

Tel.: +41 22 999 00 00



Responsable de contenidos que no sean generados por usuarios o usuarias:

Helga Mahler; helga.mahler[at]giz.de


Marie Fischborn; marie.fischborn[at]iucn.org




Página web

Slide 1: (Solutions for a Healthy Planet) Fishermen of Gulf Corvina; © Carlos Aguilera

Slide 2: (Semi annual Newsletter) Members of the VAJIKI CFA in Vanga, Kenya; © GRID-Arendal by Rob Barnes

Slide 3 (en): (Solution in Focus)  Tourists in the mangroves, Jozani Chwaka-Bay national park, Zanzibar, Tanzania © GRID-Arendal by Peter Prokosch

Slide 3 (fr): (Solution en Focus)  Experienced indigenous guides inspire eco-tourists at Napo Wildlife Center, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador; © GRID-Arendal by Peter Prokosch

Slide 3 (es): (Solución en Foco) Participacion equitativa en repoblamiento de bivalvos. SCPP buzos lideres de kino © COBI

Slide 4: Publication cover © Blue Solution project

Slide 5: (News): BMU and PANORAMA ‘partners representatives after signing the funding agreement at the 23rd meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice in Montreal- Canada © From left to right Anne Virnig (UNDP); Dr.Kathy MacKinnon (IUCN WCPA); Inka Gnittke (BMU); Trevor Sandwith (IUCN); Dr. Jane Smart (IUCN); Janina Heim (BMU)



Swimming market: © Henry 2005, Marine Photobank


Áreas protegidas - Comunidades Temáticas

Woman harvesting: © NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service; SAVED @ WorldParksCongress 2014


Marino y costero - Comunidades Temáticas

Man in a boat: ©






All Icons: © https://icons8.com/



Diseño y programación web


TBO Interactive GmbH & Co. KG

Genthiner Str. 8
10785 Berlin


Email: contact@tbo.de

Internet: www.tbo.de



Logotipo e identidad visual de PANORAMA


Studio Unit Graphics

Imre Sebestyén

Mornarska 33
21000 Novi Sad

Tel.: +381 64 162 95 22


PANORAMA - Solutions for a Healthy Planet ISSN number



Si desea citar una solución individual, sírvase utilizar el siguiente formato (ejemplo): 

Schloenvoigt, M. 2015. Multi-sectoral coastal and marine management vision. PANORAMA - Solutions for a healthy Planet, ISSN  2511-7475. Web link: <https://panorama.solutions/en/solution/multi-sectoral-coastal-and-marine-management-vision>. Consultado el 6 de septiembre de 2018.


Si desea citar la base de datos de soluciones en su conjunto, sírvase utilizar el siguiente formato:

PANORAMA - Solutions for a healthy Planet, 2018. ISSN  2511-7475. Web link: <https://panorama.solutions/en/>