Co-manejo en la pesca sostenible de langosta del caribe en Bahía Asención, México
Modelando el ecosistema con pocos datos
Monitoreo pesquero comunitario para la toma de decisiones robustas y sostenibles
Participación por género en la red de valor de la pesquería de langosta
Development of an integrated management strategy and action plan for the protected areas and conservation of seabirds and their habitat on Kiribati Island.
Capacity building of Wildlife Rangers on the enforcement procedures, monitoring of seabirds, and invasive species eradication.
Elaboration d’un livret sur la culture et la nature
Organisation des actions de sensibilisation
Création des outils de communication
Opération de reboisement
Building Capacity for addressing programming gaps through personnel recruitment
Capacity development activities such as training and materials and equipment provision to facilitate collection of baseline data through monitoring and surveillance.
Political actors and technical personnel engagement
Sensitisation of potential beneficiaries and affected persons
Education and training of direct beneficiaries
Provision of basic needs and income generating alternatives
Building relations and trust with local actors
Capacity building of local actors & stakeholders
Partnerships between key local actors and multi-sectorial, transboundary collaborations
Effective communication
Stakeholders Engagement and Partnerships
Training and Cross Border Learning Exchanges
Creating Market Linkages and Promotion of Eco-Friendly Leather products
Environment Education based on an Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) approach
Decision-making based on Community Engagement
Site-level profile and governance gap analysis
Stakeholder engagement and collaboration
Action Planning, communicating, and support.
Adopting and adaption
Engagement et mobilisation des communautés locales
Constitution et formation de l’équipe de facilitation pour conduire l’évaluation SAPA
Pertinence et concordance des résultats des évaluations des impacts sociaux (SAPA) et de l'efficacité de gestion (IMET)