Participatory Project Approach
Women's Empowerment for economic, social and environmental development
GIS-Based Monitoring
Financing Tree Nurseries
Capacity Building for Value Adding
Design and Impacts Study
Coastal Realignment
Monitoring regeneration of ecosystem
Creating market linkage wth Berry Sericulture PLC
Establishing a Butterly Museum as additional income generating source for the women sericulture operators
To increase the awareness of the community on the role of environment in the wellbeing of the humanity
Teach the community the skills of Improved Cooking Stoves (ICS)
Planning, reporting and monitoring stakeholder participation and communication
Strengthening stakeholders’ capacities
Analyzing current conditions of the marine environment and maritime uses
Building scenarios for MSP and sustainable blue economy
Showcasing key results through a simplified and interactive storytelling tool
Supporting the formulation of institutional recommendations at regional scale
Planning, reporting and monitoring stakeholder participation and communication
Strengthening stakeholders’ capacities
Analyzing current conditions of the marine environment and maritime uses
Building scenarios for MSP and sustainable blue economy
Showcasing key results through a simplified and interactive storytelling tool
Supporting the formulation of institutional recommendations at regional scale
Ecotourism Benefit Fund
Ecotourism service provider contracts
Capacity Building and Awareness Raising
Law Enforcement
Marketing and Collaboration with tourism private sector
Monitoring and Adaptive Management
Collaboration of appropriate authorities and creating a team
Effective planning
Local Community engagement
Access to technology
Project oversight, evaluation and future planning