The transhumant conference
Stakeholders Forum
Role of ecosystem service in the restoration process
Stakeholder Identification
Capacity development
Effective communication
Fortalecimiento del marco jurídico y política pública | Gobernanza y coordinación intersectorial
Enfoque de derechos humanos y justicia social
Restauración y Regeneración de la naturaleza: Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE)
Developing Forest Management and Landscape Restoration Frameworks for Chilgoza Forest Ecosystems
Reviewing Policy and Regulatory Frameworks to Promote the Use of Innovative and Sustainable Financial Mechanisms
Climbing the ladder of cooperation
Linking SOUV, World Heritage values and attributes
Continuity in cooperation
Conduct good site investigation and flood modeling
Increase the flood mitigation capacity and resiliency
Preserve wetland and reduce the impact of urban development
Improve water access and maximize social benefits
Restoration of Chilghoza forest ecosystem in Suleman range, Balochistan province, Pakistan
Restoration of Chilghoza forest ecosystem in Suleman range, Balochistan province, Pakistan
Reviewing Relevant National Policies: Identifying Gaps and Generating Recommendations
Establishing Cross Sectoral Planning Mechanisms for Sustainable Land Restoration
Assessing and strengthening institutional capacity for mainstreaming landscape restoration in sectoral plans
Identifying mangrove restoration opportunities in three intervention regions
Improving strategic and regulatory frameworks for mangrove restoration
Identifying high-priority restoration opportunities and interventions through participatory ROAM processes
Reviewing policies and plans supporting the restoration of degraded lands
Uptake and integration of policy recommendations