Murray Darling Basin Plan

Snapshot Solution
Through a deliberate strategy of getting Parliament votes and media attention, the Murray Darling Basin Plan was passed through Federal Parliament in 2013. The Darling River is one of the largest in Australia and runs from north to south. The Darling River flows into the Murray River and had been reduced to a trickle at the mouth due to big ag's water usage for irrigation. A consortium of community members spent 10 years getting this plan passed.
Dernière modification 30 Nov 2016
2837 Vues
Challenges addressed
Murray River, Australia
It has reduced the amount of water taken out of the river by big agriculture such that the river flow has increased at the mouth. The work over the past 10 years has also inspired a younger generation to engage in the project using new tools such as social media and crowdsourcing. Further information:
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