We at PANORAMA are so excited to host a number of events and a pavilion during the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille!
Daily from Saturday, September 4 – Tuesday September 7
Venue: Vital Sites for a Protected Planet Pavilion
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM
From Saturday until Tuesday, PANORAMA will host a daily drop-in and website demonstration clinic at the Vital Sites for a protected Planet Pavilion. Come visit our clinic to get informed on the new and exciting uptake feature being launched on our website!
Saturday, September 4
Event title: Knowledge Product Info Session: PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet
Venue: H3 IUCN Knowledge Hub
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Attend this session to learn more about how you can contribute your good practice as a PANORAMA solution, what's the benefit of doing so, and how you can unlock the knowledge captured in 900+ solutions from all around the world, which already form part of the PANORAMA portfolio!
Register here: https://www.iucncongress2020.org/programme/official-programme/session-52025
Saturday, September 4
Event Title: Naturally Beneficial: PANORAMA Solutions for a Healthy Planet
Venue: Vital Sites for a Protected Planet Pavilion
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Session Type: Technical Session
Join us for our two-part flagship event during the IUCN WCC to learn more about the broad themes and applications for PANORAMA. In addition, our event includes:
- Hearing from PANORAMA Solution Providers working in Brazil and Kenya
- The publication launch of Solutions for Development Challenges – Insights from Protected and Conserved Areas
- Showcasing the Pathfinder and Blue Champions Awards
- Audience Participation
The second half of the event will be an informal cocktail reception, offering an opportunity to meet and greet the PANORAMA Team and the Solution Providers on the ground.
No Registration Required.
Sunday, September 5
Event title: Scaling, not failing: Building on Existing Solutions for a Health Planet through PANORAMA
Venue: Virtual Only
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Building on the wealth of existing local, national and regional solutions will be crucial for conserving biodiversity in the face of mounting pressures. PANORAMA is a global initiative that identifies and celebrates existing examples of success stories from a wide range of contributors, identifying their key success factors in a structured format. PANORAMA covers topics ranging from agriculture and biodiversity, marine and coastal, ecosystem-based adaptation, protected area management to Business engagement in conservation, ultimately supporting the replication of these solutions. In this interactive session, participants will be exposed to a number of “flagship solutions” from PANORAMA, from different countries. In groups, they will explore the potential of these solutions to be applied more widely. Jointly with the PANORAMA team, they will commit to specific actions leading to uptake of solutions.
Register here: https://www.iucncongress2020.org/programme/official-programme/session-43252
Monday, September 6
Event Title: Nothing is more powerful than the voice of one’s peer! Knowledge exchange and matchmaking experiences from the Blue Solutions Initiative
Venue: Oceans and Islands Pavilion
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
This session showcases the Blue Solutions champions. A champion being a person who has implemented a solution somewhere else, or a solution that has been used somewhere else.
Register here: https://www.iucncongress2020.org/programme/official-programme/session-52893
Monday, September 6
Event Title: PANORAMA Solutions in Focus: Governance of Protected and Conserved Area
Venue: Capacity Development Hub
15:00 PM - 15:45 PM
This knowledge cafe will be a "soft launch" of the forthcoming publications PANORAMA Solutions in Focus: Governance of Protected and Conserved Area Volume I and II. These two publications compile a diverse range of PANORAMA solutions that showcase successful examples of good governance. The publications, curated by the Governance, Equity and Rights programme of the Global Protected Areas programme, form part of the capacity development programme of governance of protected and conserved areas. The solutions are drawn from World Heritage sites as well as Green Listed sites. They will be presented, together with a short overview of the PANORAMA platform. Please join us for a lively discussion on how to best build capacity on governance through such case studies, we welcome your feedback and ideas.
Learn more here: https://www.capdev2020.papaco.org/