Community Use Zones (CUZ)

Solution instantanée
Sabah Parks, Malaysia, uses community use zones (CUZ) as an innovative management concept. In CUZ, indigenous communities are allowed to carry out traditional activities under the supervision of the Parks Authority. Needs of local communities and conservation objectives are balanced, by encouraging communities’ participation in park management and preserving their culture. Eco-tourism development, handicraft, beekeeping and other programs provide job opportunities.
Dernière modification 30 Nov 2016
2740 Vues
Challenges addressed
- Secures the right of the people to remain where they are - No relocation, freedom from prosecution/legal action - Legalisation of villages/settlements so the local government will be able to provide support for infrastructure development - Opportunity to co-manage the areas. A representative from the community is appointed as CUZ Management Committee member and Honorary Park Ranger
Connexion avec les contributeurs