Dear Sir/Madam:
Currently, I am serving as Technical Officer / Biodiversity Consultant with the Ministry of Environment/UNDP-Egypt and part-time serve with U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 3 as an Environmental consultant as well as GIS and data analyst, regarding the award I have extensive experience in:
International scientific consultant (Environment protection) worked in a wide range of projects covering a variety of aspects, providing evaluation on project design and implementation. Excellent technical knowledge of successful project management.
Strong creative ability to produce high-quality field/desk work, reports, publications, and project proposals (national and international) Include:
Conserving wild plants in the south and east Mediterranean region, Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) for plants in the Mediterranean region (Egypt) IUCN 2018.
Current and future interactions between nature and society. In IPBES (2018): The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Africa.
Develop risk maps of arboviruses transmission from different sites in Enugu State in South Nigeria using GIS tools based on Ecological Niche Modeling (ENM). U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 3 (NAMRU-3) in Egypt (2017 – 2019).
Ex-situ Conservation for some threatened plants in St Catherine KBA (IUCN Med 2017)
Data need assessment for Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) in five protected areas in Egypt. Egyptian Italian Environmental Cooperation Project (EIECP3)-UNDP (2016 – 2017).
Conservation Actions for threatened plants In Elomayed and St. Catherine IPAs (IUCN Med 2016)
Marine World Heritage Sites along the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf: Gaps identification and proposing potential sites – Partly participation - IUCN ROWA 2016.
Monitoring and Improving the Egyptian IPAs profile - National coordinator (IUCN Med 2015)
Lead Author for IPBES deliverable 2b – Regional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services for Africa - IPBES 2015 – to date.
The fifth national report of Palestine to be submitted to CBD – International Consultant (Author) (IUCN ROWA - 2015).
Egyptian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2015 – 2030) – Participation in the final Version 2016.
More than 13 years of professional experience in biodiversity aspects (project design, planning, and implementation), of which at least 8 are at the international level and 8 years in Egypt Protected Areas.
Strong experience in writing project proposals (technical and financial offers) for and to an international organizations like IUCN, UNDP, UNEP, USAID, MAFA, Flora and Fauna International, Birdlife International, Kew, etc.
Experience in fundraising, writing proposals - Director for 17 projects aims to assess the conservation status of habitat and restricted threatened species using IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria and recovery. Some of them as follows:
Recovery and conservation of two Critically Endangered plant species in Egypt through Community Based Conservation Actions Idea Wild Foundation - (Director – March 2020).
Recovery and conservation of two Critically Endangered plant species in Egypt through Community Based Conservation Actions Ford Motor Foundation – (Director – January 2020).
Long-term conservation planning and practices for some threatened plants in South Sinai, Egypt Ford Motor Foundation – (Director – February 2019).
Long-term conservation planning and practices for some threatened plants in South Sinai, Egypt Idea Wild Foundation – (Director – September 2018).
Long-term conservation planning and practices for some threatened plants in South Sinai, Egypt Rufford Foundation – (Director – May 2018).
Long-term conservation planning for endemic plant species in Egypt. – Flora and Fauna International (Director - April 2017).
Community-Based Conservation of Threatened Plants Silene schimperiana, and Polygala Sinaica in South Sinai, Egypt - Rufford Foundation – (Director – February 2017).
Community-based conservation: conservation of threatened plant species Primula boveana, Veronica kaiseri and Phlomis aurea in South Sinai, Egypt - The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (Director - November 2016)
Conservation status assessment for two endemic plant species in Saint Katherine Protectorate, South Sinai, Egypt: Bufonia multiceps and Anarrhinum pubescens - The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (Director - April 2015)
Ecological and Conservation Assessment of Rosa Arabica in St Katherine, Egypt - CLP (Director - April 2015).
Conserving wild plants and habitats for people across the Mediterranean- IUCN-Med. Mava Foundation- (National Coordinator - March 2015).
Estimate the free-range pig populations in the Eastern Cape in South Africa. (Consultant -May 2014).
Primula boveana conservation (Assessment of the current conservation status of Primula boveana in St Katherine Protectorate, South Sinai, Egypt) - Rufford Foundation – (Director – October 2013 to Dec. 2014).
Sinai Baton Blue Butterfly Conservation Project - Rufford Foundation.( Member – 2012).
Community-Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) – GEF (Botanist – 2012).
BIOMAP of Egypt, Italian Egyptian Cooperation. (Field Researcher – May 2008 to May 2012)
Medicinal Plants Conservation Projects, GEF. (Botanist – 2008 to 2011).
A good understanding of challenges linked to biodiversity conservation versus natural resource use and particularly in the field of biodiversity conservation; especially in Mediterranean, North Africa, and West Asia regions;
Advanced university education at Ph.D. level with expertise in the area of biology and natural resource management and with a specialization profile in environmental impact assessment;
Advanced experience in dealing with recent software related to geographic analysis (GIS software), modeling (Maxent, DIVA-GIS, Openmodeller), environmental statistics (Canoco, cap analysis, SPSS, R).
IUCN Red List country, regional, and global assessments expert.
Extensive fieldwork experience, including experimental design, surveys, data collection, habitat assessments (terrestrial, marine, freshwater), and biodiversity estimates.
Field of work includes project management, innovation, communication, dissemination, applied ecological research, scientific publishing, impact assessment, spatial ecology, cartographic communication, geoprocessing, landscape, and habitat modeling.
Biodiversity inventorying and mapping; threat assessment, species action plans, strategic planning
International editor and referee to a number of international publishing companies in the field of environment protection and sustainable development in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and India.
Community awareness experience doing lectures, tutorials, laboratory courses and field courses to undergraduate biology students from different Universities in different countries.
Many published Journal articles in the field of Conservation Planning, threatened species, Red List assessments, Biodiversity challenges in the Mediterranean, Protected Area Management Effectiveness detailed assessment, habitat suitability and hotspots.
In my present role, I enjoy the responsibility of helping to lead a small development team and seeing projects through from conception to delivery. I believe that my strong background in research consultancy, combined with my extensive experience in mapping, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing a variety of projects, makes me ideally suited to this role. I am highly organized and self-motivated, have excellent communication skills, and thrive in high-pressure environments. A solid team player, I work to tight deadlines and have plenty of initiative.
I have a Ph.D. (GIS-Environmental applications) as well as I am an IUCN Global Assessor – GIS and data analyst specialist. I have effectively used these methodologies in my current role for programme scheduling, evaluation, issue tracking, mapping, analysis, assessing the effectiveness, and resource management.