Sustainable Income Generating Investment (SINGI) is a community-based organisation (CBO) in Busia, Kenya committed to the enhancement of community awareness and empowerment on issues of food security, nutrition and environmental conservation that affect the vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the community. Busia is located in Western Kenya and resides in Busia County, which covers a large geographical area home to three major tribes (Luhya, Luo and Teso), a variety of landscapes and abundance of wild and cultivated biodiversity. Yet, Busia County is stricken by the triple burden of malnutrition (undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and overnutrition) and detrimental effects of climate change and soil degradation.
With the fundamental belief in the potential of small-scale farmers, community groups and other vulnerable individuals to improve their well-being and to advocate for their rights, SINGI’s main objective is to enhance the capacity of these individuals and groups to achieve self-sustainability and to be integrated into the larger community. Currently, SINGI is working with 1,000 farmer and self-help groups and is strengthening the capacity of these groups to achieve food and nutrition security and environmental resilience through education and trainings in organic farming, agri-business, food processing, value addition, seed bulking, marketing, tree planting, soil and water conservation, manure conservation, recycling, leadership, savings and credit, family care, reproductive health, nutrition, clean water and sanitation and health. We are providing innovative and culturally-sensitive solutions to the needs of the particular groups, using available resources to foster community resilience in the face of environmental change.