Capacity development and networking for transboundary wetlands resilience

The purpose of this building block is to train wetlands institutions and personnel on contemporary wetlands conservation skills, knowledge, tools, methods and approaches to be able to deliver on Nile River Basin transboundary wetlands conservation effectively and efficiently. The capacity building approach involves both online or virtual training, on-site learning exchanges, field-based training, thematic face-to-face modules workshop methods and learning forums. It covers themes such as wetlands and livelihoods, wetlands and climate change adaptation, wetlands management planning, environmental flow assessments and wetlands valuation. Stakeholders include Nile Basin state parties, wetlands communities and non-state actors. It also involves networking of state and non-state actors working on Nile River Basin wetlands for coordinated endeavors devoid of duplication and securing of desired critical mass for greater impact. Finally, it involves communication outreaches through multiple media on imperative of Nile Basin wetlands and associated biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Undertaking training needs assessment for demand driven training modules and participatory and inclusive stakeholders’ platform for proactive stakeholders’ network. 

The need to ensure training modules are demand driven and establishment of inclusive stakeholders’ network platform form productive stakeholders’ engagement.