Development and signing of the Declaration: a call for action

On 2015, 19 leaders of National Systems of PAs met in Peru (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay &Venezuela). One of their main objetives was to make a Declaration about the relevance of PAs for climate change (CC), & present it at the UNFCCC COP21 held in Paris in 2015.


18 leaders agreed to sign a Declaration that states:

-PAs contribute to  stabilize greenhouse gases' concentrations

-CC makes PAs and biodiversity vulnerable

-PAs contribute to CC adaptation, vulnerability reduction & to increase the resilience of ecosystems

-PAs are one of the most effective strategies for deforestation & ecosystem degradation


And commited to:

1) Manage PAs considering regional and sub-regional interactions & coordination with the UNFCCCC

2) Strengthen PAs systems through implementation of the CBD’s, Aichi Target 11

3) Promote participatory management with local communities

4) Work with local communities & recognize traditional knowledge

5) Integrate PAs in adaptation, mitigation & sustainable development strategies

6) Promote awareness of PAs key role on CC

-A prior set network that facilitate sharing of knowledge and experiences

-A network recognized globally by its work on PAs matter

-Different countries working by themselves on climate change mitigation and adaptation through protected areas

-Shared vulnerabilities and ecosystems between countries

-National programs and strategies that recognize protected areas as natural solutions to climate change

-The countries and institutions understand that climate change cannot be completely addressed individually, but that global and regional action is required

-Shared vulnerabilities and problems must be solved by all the involved parties

-Presenting the Declaration at the COP showed the urgency to promote protected areas (vulnerable to climate change and other anthropogenic pressures) as natural solutions to climate change

-The Declaration committed leaders of the world to take immediate action on mitigation and adaptation to climate change, through the conservation and restoration of ecosystems

-The Declaration made evident that more leaders of the world need to make commitments on the matter