Transferring of national park zonation between two countries
The transboundary National Park (TBNP) Region MeinWeg spans protected areas within the municipalities Roermond, Roedalen, Wegberg and Wassenberg on both sides of the German-Dutch border. The NP de Meinweg dominates the Dutch side of the TBNP Region and has three zones (core, buffer and recreational), which allow for conserving sensitive natural areas and regulating tourism within the NP. Within the neighboring German part of the TBNP Region, there are several fragmented protected areas. Before the project, each park had its own protective status and there was no consistent protective zonation throughout the German part. The transboundary working group of the project applied the Dutch NP zonation within the German portion of the NP Region MeinWeg. In particular, nature reserves were classified as core zones, protected landscapes as buffer zones, and other natural areas without protective status as recreational zones. The zonation and protective status of the TBNP Region thereby became comparable on both sides of the border, and future cooperation in nature conservation and joint monitoring measures became easier. This in turn helps to achieve conservation of natural process on at least 50% of the TBNP Region.
Working groups and workshops (the same as those described in BUILDING BLOCK #1) were crucial for achieving a common understanding and consensus among participating stakeholder groups regarding the transboundary transfer of national park zonation, through joint work and communication.
Having a good basis for cooperation and personal contacts between the protected areas is a key ingredient to ensure mutual understanding, agreement, and effective implementation of the altered zonation.