Use of artistic tools for raising conservation awareness

Poems, songs and drama about conservation issues were developed by PECC committee members and were performed at community events, particularly the monthly meetings of the village councils. The committees often engaged other people as well, particularly school children, to perform the songs, raising awareness about conservation amongst the youth. The awareness raising tools and events helped to communicate the conservation message to the community in an accessible, effective manner. Experience shows that the community enjoys and responds very well to such events. The events also served the purpose of educating the communities about restrictions in the park, to gain a better understanding on what is permitted, and what is not

The village councils agreed to give a space to PECC committee members during each council meeting to perform songs etc., or at least to speak about issues of conservation and management of the national park. Low levels of literacy in the villages encourages different forms of engagement with the community members on issues and when conveying information and ideas. People know and appreciate songs, story telling, drama etc., and so are very used to learning through such mechanisms.

As a result of these events, most villagers adhere better to the park regulations than previously; however, some illegal activities still continue. Committees and other community members appreciated this activity, and would like to receive further support in developing it, e.g. through other communication tools such as videos.