Creating Awareness about Marine Conservation in Palk Bay (2007 - 2022)
Participatory Survey for Mapping Seagrass Beds in northern Palk Bay (2010 - 2017)
Developing Participatory, Eco-friendly and Low-cost Seagrass restoration method (2016 - 2022)
Technical Training for Seagrass Restoration and Dugong Rescue and Release for Forest Department (Since 2017)
Networking and Capacity Building of Volunteers for Dugong Rescue and Release (Since 2016)
Providing Technical support for Planning Dugong Conservation Reserve in Palk Bay (2017 - 2022)
GIZ Fit for School
Intersectoral Collaboration
Supportive Policies
Capacity Development
Monitoring System
School Based Management Solutions
Mounir Louhaichi
North Africa
East and South Africa
North and Central Asia
West Asia, Middle East
South Asia
Participatory Rangeland Management and Planning framework
Technical methods and toolkits
Centre for SDG Research and Support : SDG Move, Thammasat University
Engagement of local researchers
Foresight research techniques
Data Collection
Moving to the next stage
Union for the Mediterranean
North Africa
West and South Europe
Blue Economy
Political commitment and endorsement - the UfM Ministerial Declaration(s) on Sustainable Blue Economy
Governance Structure
Stable mechanisms for stakeholders’ involvement
Coordinated approach for financial schemes
East Asia
Korea National Park Service
East Asia
Korea National Park Service
East Asia
Korea National Park Service
East Asia
Korea National Park Service
GIZ Brazil
Participatory approach – Community-based solutions
Gendered Community-based EbA solution
Implementation Approach: Virtual Actions after planning and engagement– Due to Covid
CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC POLICIES: Santos Climate Action Plan (PACS), Conservation and Restore of Atlantic Forest Plan (PMMA) and Sao Paulo State Climate Action and Race to Resilience