Blue Solution Facilitation Toolkit - Engaging Practitioners and Fostering Interactive Dialogues

Blue Solution project
Publication cover
Blue Solution project

Are you curious about best practices in workshop facilitation ? 


We are excited to launch a Facilitation Toolkit on Engaging Practitioners and Fostering Interactive Dialogues. Blue Solutions has gathered lessons learnt regarding facilitation of workshops, creating a space for fruitful and interactive discussions and enabling knowledge exchange from both in person and online events. This toolkit provides guidance for the design and facili­tation of workshops for matchmaking, exchange and solution uptake in the context of PANORAMA. It provides examples and insights from our prac­tice. At the same time, most of the guidance and tools offered in this e-book can be applied to other virtual and on-site workshop formats.  


Scroll through this Facilitation Toolkit on Engaging Practitioners and Fostering Interactive Dialogues' e-book here: Facilitation Toolkit


Find the PDF document here: Facilitation Toolkit - pdf