We’ve reached 1000 PANORAMA Solutions and counting!

1000 Solutions Reached!

Over the years PANORAMA has grown to become one of the top resources for successful approaches in nature conservation and sustainable development. In 2015, we started with only two thematic community, and now we have expanded into 9. Today however marks a special occasion as we just reached 1000 submitted solutions, contributed by over 700 individuals from around the world!


Ranging from Conserving Marine Life in the Bar Reef Sanctuary in Sri Lanka  to Smart Canals and Local Nature Reserves for North Glasgow in Scotland, the diversity of PANORAMA solutions and the creativity of the various approaches is truly amazing. Submitted October 4th, the 1000th PANORAMA solution was submitted by Ol Pejeta Conservancy dedicated to Integrating livestock and wildlife to reduce land degradation, enhance biodiversity and conservation. This solution challenges the traditional ‘either/or’ approach to conservation, by using cattle as a habitat management tool. Ol Pejeta provides a model for conservation in areas where wildlife is usually not tolerated. When managed properly and carefully, grazing is an effective tool for keeping land healthy and productive.


This milestone would not have been possible without the solution providers, seekers, and the PANORAMA Partners. The future that PANORAMA is working towards requires a strong dedication to our ideals of conservation, international cooperation, knowledge exchange, engagement on the ground.


We are so proud of the work we have been able to produce, and the promotion of solutions that have helped organisations across the globe. We are excited to continue our efforts to provide Solutions for a Healthy Planet!