Community-based gorilla tourism

Snapshot Solution
Different waves of Ebola killed gorillas in many important areas in Central Africa, including Odzala National park, Congo. Even worse, 2 habituated gorilla groups disappeared and left the park without this important source of potential income. The idea arose to habituate gorillas in a nearby community zone. GRASP provided matching funds to a community conservation project, and since 2012 tourists can see western lowland gorillas in the Lossi Interzone.
Last update: 29 Nov 2016
Challenges addressed
Odzala-Kokoua National Park, Ouesso, Sangha, Republic of the Congo
The zone belongs to the communities, it is managed by the communities, and they decide how to use the revenue from gorilla tourism. This is the World's first gorilla tourism programme in a community managed area (not in a national park). It is also the first example that the private sector invested in a high level eco-lodge in this part of the world, something which is usual in Eastern and Southern Africa, but was never seen in this part of the world.
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