Digital KICK (Knowledge Information Content Kiosk) for supporting SDG in South Asia during the Pandemic

The Institute of Policy, Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG) is a not-for-profit international think tank working on economic and social development, regional cooperation, climate change and governance issues. IPAG came up with the Digital KICK (Knowledge Information Content Kiosk) for supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in South Asia during the Pandemic. Digital KICK is a social media-based regional awareness and advocacy program run in partnership with and receiving support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada. The Digital KICK serves as an information kiosk and digital information desk with interactive audiovisuals on some key areas related to SDGs 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11 and 12. In total, the Digital KICK currently has 150 audiovisuals which were circulated across the South Asian audience reaching over 25 million people.
Challenges addressed
Digital KICK addresses major challenges (environmental, social and economic) faced across South Asia in the context of the pandemic. The challenges are mentioned below: Environmental Challenges: Waste Management during the pandemic Social Challenges: Gender-Based Violence, Mental Health, Health and Dietary Habits, Productivity during Lockdown, Change in Workplace, Community Resilience in South Asia during the pandemic.
Summary of the process
Each building block can be implemented separately but also together at the same time, for example, the solution can be implemented focusing on another region and can include content related to other SDGs of relevance to that region.
Building Blocks
Adaptability to other countries/regions
Digital KICK currently is limited to South Asia taking into consideration 8 South Asian countries. However, this solution can be adapted to other regions such as Africa, Southeast Asia and Europe.
Enabling factors
It is important to understand the regional impact of COVID-19 and to identify key problems which the single country/ region faces. This is because the impacts of COVID-19 vary from one region to another.
Lesson learned
For some regions, maybe just social media may not be enough. For that region, the information kiosk may need to be personalized such as audio content (over radio), or even text messages.
Inclusion of other SDGs
Digital KICK in its current state addresses a few SDGs including SDG 2, 3,4,5,6,11 and 12. Customized content to enhance knowledge on other SDGs can be incorporated into the solution.
Enabling factors
It is important to link the connection between the SDGs and COVID-19 and to understand the extent of the impact on the progress of SDGs by the new novel virus.
Lesson learned
By understanding the connection and the pandemic's effects on SDGs, new projections can be made on the progress, and strategies can be adopted to ensure SDG Agenda 2030. Regions can focus on a particular SDG using specialized strategies to address a specific regional crisis/challenge.
The Digital KICK currently has 150 audiovisuals which have already reached over 25 million people, who viewed in total over 110,000 hours. With the help of Digital KICK, IPAG was able to address the information gap in South Asia in the context of the pandemic. Digital KICK was able to raise awareness among the South Asian population on several topics related to COVID-19 and the SDGs such as increased gender violence, immunity boosters, the importance of mental health, healthy dietary habits, and waste management. In addition, Digital KICK was also able to bring in a certain degree of acceptance in regard to changes taking place due to the pandemic through topics such as productivity during the lockdown, workplace change, and community resilience.
The beneficiaries include households, communities, government bodies, Civil Society Groups, organizations, front-line workers, journalists across Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Nepal.
Under SDG- 5 (Gender Equality), IPAG wanted to create awareness on the increased gender-based violence in the context of the pandemic and had created an AV under its Digital KICK project. The AV listed out helplines along with their phone numbers in all 8 South Asian countries. In fact, women had reached out to IPAG seeking further guidance on how to contact these help centres, and IPAG provided them with further instructions on how to reach out to the right institution for help.