Haruka Imoto joined World Bank Group as a Knowledge Management Analyst. In Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) of Global Practice for Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience (GSURR), Haruka leads organization of innovative knowledge exchanged called Technical Deep Dives while helping a couple other knowledge exchange in East Asia Pacific and other regions. Haruka worked on number of research and knowledge exchange activities including Competitive Cities Case Studies in Yokohama and Kobe, What a Waste research on Solid Waste Management. Prior to joining the World Bank, Haruka worked with cities in Europe, Japan and Asia to promote sustainable city policy advisory and implementation. In her previous work at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, she had conducted multiple research, operational project and knowledge exchange between Japan and EAP and SAR focusing on building energy efficiency, water and sewage management, and solid waste management. She was also active in communicating local municipalities’ climate actions in the international arena (UNFCCC/COP). Haruka holds dual Masters’ degrees in Public Policy and Administration from London School of Economics and Political Sciences and L’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po Paris), and bachelor degree on Sociology from Hitotsubashi University.