
The Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF) is a public trust, which was established by government under the Seychelles Islands Foundation Decree in 1979, with the aim of managing and protecting the two UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Seychelles, Aldabra Atoll in the far south of the archipelago, and the Vallée de Mai on the island of Praslin. For the benefit of humanity, SIF strives to ensure continued management and conservation, and initiate scientific research into the natural life of these sites.

Aldabra Atoll, inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1982, has a rotating group of staff administering the Aldabra Research Station. The focus of management on Aldabra includes: protecting and maintaining the marine and terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem functions of the atoll, conducting research and monitoring, providing protection from human interference and other threats, and restoring natural ecosystem functioning by removing invasive alien species. Ecotourism is strictly controlled, with a relatively small number of tourists visiting every year.

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