Olivier is the Senior Programme Officer, Protected, Conserved and Heritage Areas, IUCN-Asia Regional Office. He was Project Coordinator for the AlUla Protected Area Network in Saudi Arabia (IUCN-ROWA), and Program Director of Regenerate Costa Rica at the University for International Cooperation (UCI). He was also the Vice-Chair of Communication & Outreach of the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA-IUCN) and WCPA Steering Committee member. In his career, Olivier Chassot has been Chief Operating Officer at Shellcatch Inc. (2018-2019), Executive Director and CEO of MigraMar (2017-2018), Executive Director of the Tropical Science Center (Costa Rica, 2012-2014), Director of Science at the Tropical Science Center, Dean of Environment and Sustainable Development & Director of the Latin American School for Protected Areas (ELAP) at UCI. He was President of the Latin American and Caribbean Section of the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB).
Over almost two decades, Olivier has developed extensive knowledge in sustainability and a broad experience in designing, fundraising, and implementing conservation biology programs, project planning, implementation and monitoring, and leadership of inter-institutional alliances at the national, regional, and international level. His areas of expertise include biodiversity, landscape and seascape, connectivity conservation, transboundary conservation, protected and conserved areas, sustainable development, wildlife, governance, and ecosystem conservation.
Olivier has authored or co-authored 147 publications, organised or co-organized more than 115 national, regional, or global events, and presented over 180 papers at international conferences and workshops. Olivier is a passionate conservation practitioner with high standards of excellence and a team player who is able to build solid intercultural relationships. He has lived and worked in Switzerland, France, the USA, Costa Rica, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Thailand.