Conservation framework
Incentive and sustainability
‘Urban countryside’: an approach to connect nature and culture
Creation of inter-institutional partnerships between authorities, stakeholders and World Heritage sites
‘Promenadologie’ as a philosophy to experience heritage places in alternative ways
Wayfinding and interpretation of cultural and natural heritage
Conservación de la biodiversidad
Gestión participativa
Softscapes: Indigenous Plants
Hardscapes: Constructed Landscaping Elements
Establishing the international network for safeguarding stone tidal weirs
Recognizing stone tidal weir as an important type of underwater cultural heritage
Documenting the traditional ecological knowledge on fishing, ritual, or other communal activities connected to stone tidal weirs
Analyzing the vulnerability of stone tidal weirs against the global climate change such as sea level rise, coastal erosion, or destructive storms
Evaluating the contribution of stone tidal weirs in safeguarding biocultural diversity
Plan Estratégico del PN zona marina del Archipiélago de Espíritu Santo
Protocolo Covid19
Convocatoria para Guías y Capitanes
Huawei Cloud AI and Tools
RFCx Hardware
La gestion participative des ressources naturelles
Amélioration des conditions de vie des peuples autochtones Batwa
Tree Uganda Academy (TUA) Board and Staff
Tree Academy Groups and Clubs (TAGs & TACs)
Village Saving and Loan Scheme and External Partnerships
Establishment of a shared model of governance between University and Municipality
Creation of a multidisciplinary team
Involvement of emerging heritage professionals and researchers
Practice-oriented heritage research
Scoping and setting a policy question
Understanding what ecosystem services are
Ecosystem service valuation following the TEEB framework
Value scenarios for cost of (in)action
Communication about ecosystem service values
Stewardship skills development
Realising ecological, economic and social benefits
Successful conservation of sea-turtles in Con Dao National Park
IUCN Sea turtle Volunteer Programme
Private sector involvement
In-person participatory mapping interviews with art-based elements
Online participatory mapping surveys
Researcher developed visions & space for reflexivity
Engagement with Local Community Members
Assessment Studies