2022 Website Statistics

2022 Web Statistic Infographic thumbnail

Since PANORAMA launched in 2016, we've seen the platform grow in solutions, solution providers, annual visits and other key markers of growth. We wanted to share some of the highlights from this past year.


We had over 236,000 total visitors throughout the year and over 250,000 unique pageviews. Since January 2022, 179 solutions were submitted and published, bringing the total to 1,225 solutions published on our platform. There are currently over 4,000 organisations from across the globe who are sharing their solutions on the PANORAMA web platform. We are enormously proud of all the amazing solutions featured on our website, and we look forward to sharing even more in the coming year.


Additionally, the platform had visitors from over 180 countries across the world, with most web traffic coming from North America, Europe, and Asia. To date, the platform encompasses solutions from over 117 different countries.


We are excited to share a few of the highlights of our web statistics analysis, summarised in this infographic below. This infographic was produced by our friends and partners at GRID-Arendal and we hope you enjoy it!


