Concessions for managing the impacts of oil and gas exploration in Uganda

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Strategies have been developed and implemented in Uganda’s Murchison Falls National Park (MFNP),to achieve a critical balance between newly discovered oil for extraction and maintaining the extensive biodiversity in the area. National agencies,companies and PA managers jointly developed strict guidelines which must be adhered to during the exploration phase and beyond. Biodiversity surveys and mapping and biodiversity surveys helped identify sensitive areas avoid.
Last update: 28 Nov 2016
Défis à relever
Murchison Falls National Park, Kibanda, Western Region, Uganda
• Due to the overlap of newly discovered oil with prominent conservation and tourism sites, a loss of revenue from tourism and biodiversity in these areas was a concern,so the PA management authority control and monitor industrial developments, including avoiding sensitive areas such as breeding grounds, wallows and watering points. Tourism activities precede oil and gas activities, so tourists have right of way • The companies involved have adopted good practices such as no flaring, no storage of drill wastes and a reduction in drill pad sizes in PAs.Following completion of the exploration phase of oil extraction, surveys have indicated that there appears to have been no negative impact on biodiversity or tourism • Long-term sustainability will be implemented through the discussion of a 30 year Vision for the National Park, with the goal of extracting oil without compromising conservation. This is an example of how the challenges of development on conservation can be overcome with good practices, appropriate legislation, and the involvement of all stakeholders, as well as the strict implementation of guidelines developed collaboratively
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