
Advisor, GIZ (RECAP4NDC Implementation in India)

I am a development professional with more than 20 years of experience and have been associated with NGOs, government departments, UN organizations (UNDP & IFAD) to manage various national and international development projects in India. My core competencies are planning, implementation and monitoring of the projects. Currently I am associated with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, India as Advisor, Climate Change, "Restore, Conserve and Protect Forest and Tree Cover for Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation in India (RECAP4NDC). It is a Forest Landscape Restoration based project. Prior to that I was managing Gef-GoI-UNDP “SECURE Himalaya” (Securing livelihoods, conservation, sustainable use and restoration of high range Himalayan ecosystems) Project in Utarakhand (India) while being associated with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It was mainly focused on conservation of Snow Leopard and its habitat following the landscape-based approach.