
Environmental Biologist

Dr. Raymond A. Saumure received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. His Masters of Science and Doctor of Philosophy (2004) were bestowed by McGill University in Québec, Canada for his seminal research on the impacts of agriculture on the North American Wood Turtle. He currently manages Pahrump Poolfish and Relict Leopard Frog rewilding projects at the Springs Preserve, located in the heart of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. He has been a member of three IUCN Species Survival Commissions: the Conservation Translocation, Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle, and Crocodilian Specialist Groups. He serves on the Board of Directors and as Managing Editor of Herpetological Conservation and Biology, an open-access, peer reviewed, journal he co-founded in 2006. 

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