REDPARQUES, a network for protected areas
Development and signing of the Declaration: a call for action
NGOs initiatives turning into Regional Action
Capacity building on climate change resilience
Assessment of climate change vulnerability and land use
Development of a park climate change strategy
Reviewing of the Park General Management Plan to include climate resilience aspects
Communicating the climate smart GMP to stakeholder
Sustainable Sea Transport inside the lagoon and between atolls of the Marshall Islands
Policy Frameworks in the Scope of Transitioning to Low Carbon Sea Transport in the Marshall Islands
Private sector partnerships
Crowd funding for financing a renewable energy system
Solar power plant installation
Capacity-building of local people in agroforestry
Awareness-raising of local authorities
Climate Change Mitigation through reforestation
Building long-term, multi-sectoral, trans-disciplinary partnerships and capacities
Wildlife surveillance for One Health intelligence
Developing aligned management plans at different levels
Developing positive relationships with neighboring communities
Implementation of plan
Construction of permeable dam structures as sediment traps and basis for mangrove rehabilitation
Socio-economic measures to promote sustainable land-use
Capacity building on “Building with Nature solutions”, targeted at government officials, private sector, students and local communities
Policy dialogue to develop governance arrangements for improved coastal zone management