Establishement of Kayirabwa Chimpanzee Conservancy for conservation and protection of wildlife migratory routes in northern Albertine rift forests, western Uganda
Establishement of Kayirabwa Chimpanzee Conservancy for conservation and protection of wildlife migratory routes in northern Albertine rift forests, western Uganda
Securing the genetic resource base of Indigenous plants species: A Community Biodiversity Conservation Initiative
Securing the genetic resource base of Indigenous plants species: A Community Biodiversity Conservation Initiative
Training programs for the environmental conservation
Involvement of local community, future plans sustainability
Crab Shark Restaurant expansion
Title : Environment Academy – an unique education tool for biodiversity education
Building community partnerships
Native Edible and Medicinal Plant Restoration
Education on Cultural Practices Associated with Native Species
Community Partnerships and Multi-Generational Gathering
Aplicación movil
Portal de indicadores MIPEZ
Asociación con la Autoridad Nacional de Pesca
Medición de indicadores sociales y de gobernanza, e identificación de actores clave
Análisis de motivadores y detractores
Mapeo de actores - Esferas de Influencia
Caminatas interpretativas de educación ambiental
Comité de vecinos y grupo de voluntarios
Participatory process of identifying beneficiary communities
Strengthening capacities in the community based on local needs
Community-led forest monitoring and protection
Agroforestry and forest restoration
Alianzas Empresariales
Medición del Impacto
Strengthening IUCN-ICOMOS and other Institutional partnerships
Building international interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams
Field explorations on World Heritage sites
Creating a glossary of terms
Alto grado de involucramiento del Concejo con la sociedad
Financiamiento sustentable proveniente de términos de ajustes de conducta TAC y compensaciones ambientales
Cada pez, cuenta - PescaData y la tecnología móvil
La revolución digital en el fortalecimiento de conocimientos sobre pesquerías
MAREA: una herramienta para la evaluación de las reservas marinas
Building local partnerships
Understanding the place
Visioning for the future of the Denali region
Learning through community deliberation
Reflection period and integrating outcomes
Creation of Pimachiowin Aki Corporation: a multi-level and multi-stakeholder partnership
Honouring the wisdom, vision, and ki ki no mah gay win (teachings) of the Elders to guide use of the land and respectful relations between each other and with the land
Establishing knowledge systems dialogue between Indigenous peoples and Western scientists in land management and planning
Intergenerational and inclusive approaches to participation in communities’ dialogue
Building a participatory monitoring and reporting system on the state of conservation in the World Heritage Site
Working in a common landscape to create synergies in the use of ecosystem services
Working with the people and for the people
A shared sense of identity and belonging within the Coalition