Design and implementation of conservation project portfolio
Inform corporate requirements
National Policy Engagement
Grassroots Project Engagement
Community of Practice
Specialist Skills: Niche Tax Expertise
Organized community groups and participatory approaches
Technical support from different sectors and infrastructure support from LGU
Continuous communication and education
Strict implementation of fisheries law and ordinances
Selection of relevant MEAs and (sub-)national legislation
Identify activities contributing to MEA implementation
Develop, discuss and evaluate PA management recommendations
Identifying the problem: Conducting economic instead of financial analysis
Tourism Economic Model in Protected Areas (TEMPA) assessment tool
Using tourism economic data for analysis, reporting and influencing decision-making
Erosion control measures
Participatory land use planning
Human Capacity Development for erosion control measures
Public-Private alliance for the effective management of the protected area
A co-management model for better financial sustainability of the protected area
Innovative tools for a participatory conservation management model
Community park rangers in participatory management
Building of a knowledge base on Nile River Basin transboundary wetlands
Transboundary integrated wetland plans
Capacity development and networking for transboundary wetlands resilience
Participatory planning process
Research and data collection
Development of management plan
Establish institutional capacity
Solidify sustainable financing for management
Design of participatory steps for village engagement
Capacity building of local stakeholders
Documenting strategies and success evaluation
Creation of awareness raising and policy influencing tools
Facilitation of livelihood and economic diversification