Desarrollo de capacidades técnicas
Articulación y vinculación con actores del territorio
Enfoque de equidad de género
Developing a pioneer framework policy on agroecology
Setting up institutions for the coordination of implementation
Implementation of PNAPO
Potential as a Transferable Model
Gestion participative des ressources naturelles
Intégration des services écosystémiques dans la planification
Maximizing social benefits and acceptance through engagement
Estimating benefits to make the case for investment
Partnerships and public engagement
Balancing trade-offs between different priorities
“Learning by doing”
How sand dams work
Road Map for Sand dam implementation
Use of the Organic-Based System of Rice Intensification as the preferred protocol for rice cultivation
Training on use of locally available raw materials to manufacture organic inputs and amendments
Build from the Bottom Up
Simultaneous Solution Finding for All Components of the Value Chain in a Holistic Approach
Creation of a Mission and Vision by Members
Collaboration with any and all Private and Public Organizations who share the same concern for health, environment and the welfare of farmers and their communities
Sustainable water harvest and management in semi-arid areas, including natural resource protection
Intensifying and diversifying agricultural production
Sustainable pasture and livestock management
Joint planning and collective action at community level
Combining traditional social cohesion with new forms of local organisation
Support for urban, community and institutional gardening for home consumption and the sale of leftovers
Support for market-oriented local production in the DMQ region
Food supply and distribution
Promotion of food consumption, healthy diets and nutrition through bio-fairs and education
Potential as a Transferable Model
Building a comprehensive community driven plan for peace and development
Tackling food insecurity and reintegration of former combatants
Potential as a Transferable Model
Developing a vision and a programme
Implementation in Ndiob
Ndiob’s Agriculture Development Programme
Potential as a Transferable Model & REVES
Alliance and partnership development
Sustainable livelihoods
Developing a Farmer Business School (FBS)
Organize Traditional Food Fair