Governance and shared responsibility in the conservation of Gorgona NN Park

Full Solution
Small boa
WWF / Hannah Williams

Different strategies such as the Special Management Strategies of prevention, control and surveillance, as well as environmental education strategies are being implemented, both designed to resolve the problem of illegal fishing.

Last update: 02 Oct 2020
Challenges addressed
Unsustainable harvesting incl. overfishing
Lack of alternative income opportunities
Poor monitoring and enforcement
Poor governance and participation
Unemployment / poverty
illegal fishing, recognition of traditional practices and pressure on fish species Identification of fishermen community conducting activities close to PA, illegal fishing within the PA, pressure on fish species that are subject to conservation values of PA ,compliance with general regulation of AP, recognition of traditional practices ( black communities) in the area of influence of PNNG, positioning the PA in area of influence – governance, joint monitoring on the commitments made
Scale of implementation
Coral reef
Ecosystem services
Indigenous people
Local actors
Outreach & communications
Sustainable resource management
Gorgona Natural National Park, Colombia
South America
Summary of the process
Politics of social participation in the conservation of national parks, promote special management strategies when ethnic communities are present in a PA, with the objective to merge the natural resource conservation and the well-being of local communities who have used and managed these territories. GNNP has generated a process to understand the relationship between the community and the Gorgona and Gorgonilla islands, by analyzing ancient conservation and sustainability actions linked with the artisanal fishery.Law 70 of 1993 recognizes that territories with presence of black communities must be managed in concert with the competent authorities. The process has demonstrated that fishing practices undertaken by this community have also enabled the sustainability of the resource. The use of selective fishing and in complement with conservation actions developed by the PAA, result in the preservation of ecosystem services by providing and maintaining fishing stocks within the region.
Building Blocks
Sustainable Resource Management
The sustainable management of aquatic resources through the Agreement signed by the PNNG and Fishermen of the local community, contribute to: maintaining fishery resources, the management of hydro biological resources in the region, improving conditions for fishermen during their activities, (to dignify the traditional productive activity), food security of local communities and the local economy.
Enabling factors
Resources for further actions to prevent, control and surveillance Inter-institutional Support Resources to monitor compliance with the Agreement
Lesson learned
Resources for further actions to prevent, control and surveillance Inter-institutional Support Resources to monitor compliance with the Agreement
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
The PNNG has generated a close relationship with the communities living around the park where it has been promoted as the medium that makes possible not only the existence of protected areas in the country, but also “territories of life” for communities. We have been working to consolidate work spaces such as the Uramba Agreement, Mesa de Pesca, Agreement of Use. All of them with the intention to make possible the recognition of the importance of the area of influence. The partnership between the Park and the Guapi Community is articulated through a Local Board, created on the basis of the Yanaconas Agreement (2002); which was evaluated in 2009 and the Uramba Agreement was signed, reaffirming the strategy of engagement with black communities of the Pacific with the aim to unite efforts for the conservation of natural and cultural heritage of the Colombian Pacific. The Uramba agreement defines a common agenda; all levels of planning and implementation represented in sub-regional and regional work tables, including an operating crew formed with Park and communities representatives.
Enabling factors
Resources to implement actions in the framework of agreements that contribute to the conservation ofSanquianga – Gorgona sub-region
Lesson learned
It should be a limited number of stakeholders who can access the benefits, need for a consolidated of rules of use before signing the Agreement for entering into aspects of monitoring and commitments of the parties.
Education and awareness
The environmental education program promotes social awareness about the importance of ecosystems goods and environmental services.The educational project in the village school integrates an emphasis on ethno hydro-biological resources
Enabling factors
Create cooperation opportunities between educational institutions and community groups to promote the environmental education strategy with emphasis on hydro-biological resources and its management. Generate communication tools to support the process
Lesson learned
The cooperation between the park and the school has facilitated our conservation efforts and the recognition of the importance of maintaining the existing ecosystems
Prevention, control and surveillance
Surveillance of all conducted activities monitoring actions in the Agreement framework Control possible illegal fishing. These activities are discussed and analyzed by the coordination committee ( community and park members)
Enabling factors
Continuous communication.Surveillance of commitments.Recognition of the environmental authority and the Park representatives
Lesson learned
The implementation of the working plan and ongoing communication efforts has allowed visible results in four years. We are on the way to consolidate the process but the actual progress is important in terms of responsibility and governance
Strategy and plan – Contribution to the system of the region
The implementation process contributes to: the environmental regulation of the sub-region, reinforce the inter-institutional and community work, bringing together more than 35 participating stakeholders from various government agencies, NGOs and community organizations, in order to advocate for the well-management of hydro biological and fisheries resources, where ecosystem conservation and welfare of local communities would be beneficial.
Enabling factors
Interagency and community coordination, environmental regulation, ethnic legislation and an ethnic vision of the territory. Recognition of the importance of ecosystems as a benefit for local and regional communities Recognition of traditional ancestral practices of black communities.
Lesson learned
The articulation institutions and the community to achieve a common goal: governance

By implementing the “Agreement of Use,” the pressure on fishery resources can be diminished, guaranteeing to keep a stock (in desirable states) of species of regional trade importance, which is also important for the food security of local populations.There has also been a process of organizational strengthening, it allows positive steps in planning and coordination efforts with relevant entities. It has been linked to the educational community to make children and youth aware of the importance of implementing best practices to maintain fisheries resources inequality and quantity. The process allows the area to be positioned as an important conservation area for local communities.

the artisanal fishermen community and their families, a school, local populations in the area of influence, environmental and fisheries authorities and the general community
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Other contributors
Maria Ximmena Zorrilla
Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia
Juan Ivan sanchez Bernal
Parques Nacionales Colombia