The spectrum of Smartphone Apps in (marine) resource management
A guide for App Development
Open Data Kit for data driven marine management in Fiji
Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Public-Private Partnership
Trust Fund
Transdisciplinary social learning process
Co-design of the app suite and co-production of knowledge
Collection of historical and geographical information
Awareness-raising of fishermen on the West African coast
Sub-regional Alert Network of focal points
Training of representatives of the fishermen institutions
Adopt a Coupled Human And Natural Systems approach
Estimate lionfish status and develop catch targets
Support emergent lionfish fishery
Value-added lionfish products
Implement an awareness raising campaign
Lionfish control in areas inaccessible to fishers
Participatory methodologies
Technology transfer
Insertion in the community
Community Management Plans
Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)
Capacity Building of Stakeholders
Seafront Mangrove Planting
Mangrove Eco-park
Reversion of abandoned Ponds to Mangroves
Critical competence requirements
Certification tools and instruments
Certification events
Multi-layered management ‘tools’ (spatial and temporal)
Ecosystem based management: thinking outside the (marine) box
Sharing assets & responsibility for better field management
Identifying MPA boundaries in the field
Technological aids to assist marine management
Integrated compliance activities in the GBR
Economic valuation study
Integration of ecosystem valuation into management
Establish value of the dolphins to New Zealanders
Work with South Island community to develop citizen science
Pressure politicians for solution—larger protected area
Understanding People and Context
Participatory Managed Access Design & Implementation
Community Engagement & Behavior Change
Organizational Development and Capacity-building
Financial literacy and resiliency
National FARMC Program Management Centre
Regional FARMC Program Management Centres
Inclusion of Fisherfolk Leaders
Capacity Building for FARMC Members
Rewards and Incentives
Partnerships and Networking
Public-private collaboration
Aligning public and private investments at the landscape level
Integrated Watershed Action Plan