An integrated approach to maritime cluster sustainability benefitting MPAs

Snapshot Solution
Gorgonian Forest © Francesco Turano

Waterevolution promotes a new marine policy governance that creates a positive circle between maritime cluster companies and marine conservation. Eulabor Institute has developed a comprehensive model based on computational sustainability, an interdisciplinary field that applies techniques from computer and information science, operations research, applied mathematics and statistics to balance environmental, economic and societal needs for a sustainable development.

Last update: 02 Oct 2020
Challenges addressed
Conflicting uses / cumulative impacts
Pollution (incl. eutrophication and litter)
Inefficient management of financial resources
Scale of implementation
Sustainable financing
Protected and conserved areas governance
Local actors
Protected and conserved areas management planning
Outreach & communications
Science and research
Marine litter
Mediterranian Sea, Rome, Rome 00121, Italy
West and South Europe

The Waterevolution model was tested within VSY, a renowned Italian shipyard, but can be replicated and applied to all maritime clusters. The production process of VSY was optimised through the implementation of a framework that not only involves sustainable corporate management to reduce environmental footprint, but also generates structural funding to support marine scientific research and conservation projects and facilitate industry commitment to ocean responsibility The following results were observed: - Reduction by 20% of energy consumption and CO2 emissions - this reduction rises up to 30% over the life cycle including the scrapping - Substantial reduction of water pollution and seabed degradation; - At least 10% costs reduction thanks to the process optimisation. A percentage of this saving has been invested to support marine sciences projects by the Tethys Research Institute in the Pelagos sanctuary, the WCPA-Marine Marine Mammal Task Force work on IMMAs, on-ground marine conservation and awareness activities (Marine litter) and communication campaigns for ocean sustainability (MPAs management effectiveness and governance).

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