Providing relief and resilience for Community Bird Guides in South Africa faced with national lockdowns and tourism declines

Solution complète
Community Bird Guides thank donors to the BirdLife South Africa Relief Fund
BirdLife South Africa

BirdLife South Africa's Community Bird Guide Project has trained 200 individuals from underprivileged backgrounds to become professional bird guides. Over 50 guides remain active, while others have transitioned into other careers such as education, conservation, and hospitality. Graduates are not employed by BLSA, but rather empowered to become freelance operators. However, a strong relationship is maintained through multiple forms of support, including marketing on the BLSA website, provision of uniforms and business cards, and loan pairs of Swarovski Optik binoculars.


During the COVID-19 travel bans in South Africa, the guides had no prospect of income. BLSA started the Community Bird Guide Relief Fund, appealing to the public. They raised R800 000 which was paid in monthly contributions over 8 months until travel reopened. The contributions did not replace all income but provided enough for food, electricity, medical bills, and other essential costs.

Dernière modification 03 May 2022
1386 Vues
Challenges addressed
Vector and water borne diseases
Lack of access to long-term funding
Changes in socio-cultural context

During the lengthy COVID-19 lockdown travel bans in South Africa, the BirdLife South Africa Community Bird Guides were stuck without any prospect of income from guiding.

Scale of implementation
Temperate evergreen forest
Tropical evergreen forest
Salt marsh
Coastal forest
Pool, lake, pond
River, stream
Wetland (swamp, marsh, peatland)
Temperate grassland, savanna, shrubland
Tropical grassland, savanna, shrubland
Tundra or montane grassland
Access and benefit sharing
Sustainable livelihoods
Indigenous people
Traditional knowledge
Outreach & communications
17 Hume Road, Randburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2196, South Africa
East and South Africa
Summary of the process

The ability of BirdLife South Africa to reach many people through an effective communications strategy that are already familiar with the people in need and the benefits of the project for local communities allowed for a very successful campaign.


The bird guides inspire respect and trust among the birders in South Africa. They have built friendly, close relationships together. And this positive and supportive attitude towards the guides is multiplied within their extensive network. An effective communications strategy has been instrumental for both the guides’ reputation themselves and for consolidating and strengthening the network they belong to.

Building Blocks
The BirdLife South Africa Community Bird Guides are well regarded and respected members of the South African birding community.

The foundation for the success of the BirdLife South Africa Community Bird Guide Relief Fund was the regard that the birding community has for the guides. They are treasured and respected among birders, and there was a high level of support for this project and the guides before the pandemic struck.

Enabling factors

A long-running, well-run, and well-publicized community benefit project with a few notable graduates who have become flagbearers for the project and for BirdLife South Africa.

Lesson learned

Maintaining public support for projects on a consistent basis is important for future support.

BirdLife South Africa has an extensive network of members, supporters, and birders locally and abroad.

BirdLife South Africa has a membership of over 6000 people, and an extensive reach of over 60 000 people through social media. BirdLife South Africa is well-regarded in South Africa and abroad as an authority on birds, birding, and bird conservation.

Enabling factors

Effective branding, messaging, donor servicing, and communications on a consistent basis

Lesson learned

Maintaining networks of supporters is imperative for the success of funding appeals.

  • 200 individuals from rural and underprivileged backgrounds have been trained in becoming bird and nature guides over the last 20 years
  • 150 of the guides found new job opportunities in the tourism sector
  • 50 specialist bird guides remain active and provide a localized service to birders
  • During the pandemic, over 40 BirdLife South Africa Community Bird Guides were saved from a desperate situation and were able to weather the travel bans during the national lockdowns. This ensured that they were able to resume guiding once these lifted as they had not needed to pivot to other livelihoods.

Over 40 BirdLife South Africa Community Bird Guides situated in rural areas across the northeast of South Africa.

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