CI-BHP Billiton Alliance for Protected Area Conservation

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CI-BHP Billiton Alliance
Conservation International
The Conservation International (CI) - BHP Billiton Alliance supports the delivery of enduring benefits to biodiversity, ecosystems and other environmental resources around the world. This strategic long-term alliance was formed in 2011 to support the delivery of their conservation target, and to improve BHP Billiton’s approach to biodiversity management more broadly. To date, two conservation projects are underway in Australia and Chile.
Dernière modification 02 Oct 2020
5017 Vues
Challenges addressed
Loss of Biodiversity
Ecosystem loss
Lack of access to long-term funding
Lack of technical capacity
support delivery of enduring benefits to biodiversity, ecosystems /environmental resources
Scale of implementation
Temperate deciduous forest
River, stream
Wetland (swamp, marsh, peatland)
Species management
Ecosystem services
Sustainable livelihoods
Local actors
Australia and Chile
South America
The Alliance has been influential in enhancing BHP Billiton’s approach to biodiversity. As part of a recent review of environmental management requirements, BHP Billiton has established principles to guide its businesses on establishing compensatory actions. The principles require that compensatory actions must be appropriate and not contribute to any additional impacts, must be effective in responding to the residual impact and must endure in the long term. As of 2014, BHP Billiton has voluntarily committed more than US$30 million to conservation, including the Five Rivers Conservation Area in Tasmania, Australia, and the Valdivian Coastal Reserve Project in southern Chile. Results: • Conservation of ~ 60,000 ha of habitat for 16 globally threatened species • Support of more than 50 direct jobs • Generation of ~ 900 million cubic metres of high-quality fresh water • Avoidance of the release of 75,000 tonnes of CO2 -e per annum
Local communities, Local government
Connexion avec les contributeurs
Other contributors
Mahlette Betre
Conservation International.
Erika Korosi
BHP Billiton
Other Organizations