Detailed action plan and budget

The consortium’s vision has been transformed into a clear action plan outlining specific workstreams, accompanied by a detailed budget:


  • Connected landscapes
  • Climate-intelligent farming practices
  • Ensured water resources
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Fundraising


The action plan is built on an extensive assessment based on satellite images and interviews with each land owner or producer in the area. Broad consultation took place with all those involved and potentially impacted by the interventions (farmers, members, government agencies and donors). The plan includes details of who will do what by when which is key to monitoring progress against overall objectives. All of this is reassuring for donors and investors who can see that their funding is being effectively targeted.

  • Clarity about the group’s vision and the objectives of each workstream.


  • A long and in-depth preparation phase gathering detailed knowledge of each property.


As a pioneer initiative that is expanding, adjustments are needed to ensure a smooth implementation phase and concrete results which the group can learn from. To date, the consortium has focused on short-term actions and immediate goals.


In order to engage further donors and partners, the consortium has developed an action plan with concrete objectives while addressing the costs and potential partners for each activity.