Local community engagement and support for conservation: Ecotourism at Andasibe, Madagascar
Andasibe - Mantadia National Park is a high profile rainforest tourism destination and one of the most popular nature-based tourism destinations in Madagascar. Visitors are able to view the iconic Indri and nine other species of lemur, endemic birds such as couas, vangas and ground rollers, as well as a rich herpeto-fauna comprising chameleons and geckos. International and domestic tour groups are led by local guides sourced mainly from the village of Andasibe and surrounding areas. . Mitsingo Forest Station is a community reserve under the protection of local people. Currently at leat 70+ and up to 100 guides sourced mostly from the local community act as guides for tour companies and international tourists. A combintion of tangible economic benefits and on-going engagement with conservation organisations and the tourism industry has led to local community support for the protection of wildlife and associated forest.
Local community guide associations conduct training exercises and are involved in conservation work resulting in the protection of forest and wildlife. Andasibe Village (population about 1400) has benefited from providing tourism services. These benefits include employment of local people, improved road conditions and village services, improved infrastructure such as a school, market place, dispensary and a piped water supply. The forest in valued for its ecosystem services and especially wildlife values.