In the upper Cogne Valley (Valnontey), one of the three pairs of Bearded Vulture Gypaetus Barbatus of the Gran Paradiso National Park has been breeding since 2015. The rocky nesting complex also constitutes an area internationally well known for icefall climbing. The activity of the climbers takes place during the same period (December-February) as the vulture’s initial and more delicate stages (laying and hatching) of nesting. Anthropogenic disturbances are a widely recognized cause, in the scientific world, of a high risk of reproductive failure for the Bearded Vulture. A "buffer" area (500 m around the nest) where any form of access is forbidden has been implemented in the Park to protect the reproductive success of the pair. These restrictive measures are planned as part of the "minimum conservation measures" provided for in the Park Plan, the main AP management tool.
Challenges addressed
The buffer area was made possible thanks to a shared action with the municipal administration of Cogne and other local stakeholders (Alpine Guides Society, tour operators, hoteliers). The action was also accompanied by a press campaign and the production of informative material. The positive results can be summarized as follows:
- The protection project led to nesting success (1 young fledged) in 2019, whereas nesting had failed in 2018.
- Sharing the process with all interested parties contributed to the success of the protection measures, as well as to make the local population aware of the importance and the meaning of the restrictions, and increase the sense of belonging to the Park area.
- Information was put out, with releases on the media and on social networks and has served to spread the reasons for good conservation practice and to increase the image of Cogne among its users, even potential ones, attentive to environmental protection in choosing the places to frequent.