Community Empowerment and Resilience in the Chinantla: Building Capacity for Locally-Led Forest Monitoring

Solution complète
Community forest monitoring volunteers at work.
EcoLogic Development Fund

This solution responds to deforestation and habitat loss in the tropical forests in the mountainous Chinantla region of northern Oaxaca, Mexico, while improving the livelihoods of the region’s primarily indigenous residents. The ecologically significant forests of the Chinantla include the last remaining cloud forests and the third-largest rainforest in Mexico, and are part of the Mesoamerican global biodiversity hotspot. The Chinantla region is also recognized by the Mexican government as a Priority Region for Conservation. Both the landscape and its indigenous residents -- who have a long history of poverty and socioeconomic marginalization -- are growing increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Through a collaboration between EcoLogic Development Fund and its local partner, the Fondo Ambiental Regional de la Chinantla (FARCO), this solution focuses on forest restoration, reducing pressure on forest resources, community-led protection of land, capacity building, and sustainable forest income generation.

Dernière modification 16 Jul 2021
1810 Vues
Challenges addressed
Extreme heat
Land and Forest degradation
Loss of Biodiversity
Ecosystem loss
Lack of alternative income opportunities
Physical resource extraction
Lack of technical capacity
Lack of public and decision maker’s awareness
Lack of food security
Unemployment / poverty


  • Loss of forest land to forest fires, illegal logging, and government seizure

  • Forest degradation

  • Local ecosystem increasingly vulnerable to effects of climate change, including droughts and extreme heat

  • Biodiversity and habitats threatened

  • Communities lacked the skills and capacities to collect the data necessary to qualify for national environmental stewardship incentive programs


  • Pressures from outside groups to develop land for ranching and agricultural cash crops

  • Indigenous residents have long history of poverty and socioeconomic marginalization

  • Community members have limited choices for earning an income, and are often driven to income-generating activities that are harmful to the environment

  • Food insecurity

  • Lack of land sovereignty for indigenous residents living in or near forests

Scale of implementation
Tropical evergreen forest
Food security
Health and human wellbeing
Sustainable livelihoods
Indigenous people
Local actors
Traditional knowledge
Land management
Protected and conserved areas management planning
Forest Management
La Chinantla Region, Oaxaca, Mexico
Santa María Jacatepec, Oaxaca, Mexico
North America
Summary of the process

We only work with communities who have asked for our help, so first we identify the communities that have expressed a need in terms of threats to their local ecosystems or livelihoods (BB1). We then work with the community to develop a contextually appropriate plan to address these environmental and livelihood needs (BB2). We help the communities gain access to training, tools, skills, and financial and technical support. We believe the local residents living in or near the threatened forests are in the best position to protect them, so through capacity-building we empower community members to take ownership and engage in community-led forest monitoring and protection (BB3). The “guardians” of the forests whom we train can share knowledge with and inspire their family members, neighbors, and community members to protect the forests. Agroforestry and forest restoration (BB4) are another key aspect of this plan. Reforestation helps restore degraded land, contributing to a more stable climate and better resilience against climate change. Agroforestry provides greater food security and increased economic opportunities, while resulting in better soil health and decreased pressure on forest resources and water sources.

Building Blocks
Participatory process of identifying beneficiary communities

This project is based on a philosophy of working with communities who have asked for support, so that the solution is driven by the priorities of the community rather than imposing outside goals or values. The first building block of identifying beneficiary communities through participatory processes is critical to the success of the project, as trust and collaboration will ensure better outcomes. Community investment and eagerness to engage in sustainable actions are also critical traits to identify in the beneficiary communities as they will be taking the lead on their ecosystem conservation and restoration efforts.

Enabling factors
  • Local partner organizations and/or field staff serve as local liaisons with rural and indigenous communities, building relationships and trust

  • Local field staff organize community assemblies

Lesson learned
  • Building trust with communities is important, as they may have had negative prior experiences with outside agents or groups exerting pressures on their land
Strengthening capacities in the community based on local needs

This solution has been replicated in several different communities successfully by first listening closely to what the current beneficiary community needs support with, and then developing a plan along with the community that addresses those desired goals and outcomes. Through training, workshops, and technical assistance from local field staff, specific skills and capacities are built in the community to empower residents to take charge of restoring their ecosystems. After initial financial and technical support, eventually many of these actions will become sustained over time, requiring less support from partners.

Enabling factors
  • Initial workshops held to listen to and document communities’ priorities and goals

  • Local field staff available to provide technical support and training

Lesson learned
  • Solutions and activities adapted to the culture and context of the community are more likely to be sustained over the longer term
Community-led forest monitoring and protection

Empowering the community to take the lead on their forest monitoring and conservation goals is a key building block of this replicable solution. After community volunteer leaders are identified, they are equipped with the training, tools, and materials needed for their management plan. They may also work with local law enforcement on monitoring illegal logging and other extraction of biodiversity from the forest. Some communities in the Chinantla had a need for scientific forest monitoring data to be able to apply for a national program that provided payment in exchange for environmental stewardship work. The training and skill-building elements of the project were adapted to fit this need, so community members were trained in forest data collection so that they were empowered to collect this information on their own, thereby becoming eligible to qualify for the ecosystem services payment program.

Enabling factors
  • Beneficiary communities who have self-identified as wanting assistance are more eager to take the lead on forest monitoring activities

  • Willing community members are able to take on volunteer leadership roles

  • Monitoring activities are based on management plan developed along with the community

Lesson learned
  • Community leaders become champions of the local ecosystem and can inspire others in their families and communities
Agroforestry and forest restoration

Agroforestry and forest restoration are key building blocks of our replicable solution as they help us achieve landscape-level restoration goals while providing local benefits such as better soil quality and crop production.

Enabling factors
  • Local field staff available to provide technical support and training on implementation
Lesson learned
  • Communities who have engaged in agroforestry and reforestation can hold learning exchanges with neighboring communities beginning to engage in agroforestry to pass on knowledge, farmer to farmer


Environmental Impacts:

  • Forest cover maintained and increased in 8,000 ha in two municipalities in the Chinantla

  • Reforestation of degraded land contributes to greenhouse gas emission uptake, contributing to a more stable climate and greater resilience to effects of climate change

  • Biodiversity and habitats are protected through monitoring and restoration of forests

  • Community members empowered with technical capacities to collect scientific forest monitoring data through workshops and training, thus enabling them to qualify for environmental stewardship incentive payment programs 

Socioeconomic Impacts:

  • Sustainable livelihood activities (agroforestry plots, small enterprises, etc.) provide new income opportunities for communities, and shift reliance away from forest resources 

  • Improved food security through adoption of practices such as agroforestry and establishment of home and community gardens

  • Land sovereignty reestablished for community members

  • Overall well-being of residents improved through greater economic and food security

  • The rural and predominantly indigenous men, women, and children in the communities in the Chinantla region (approximately 85,976 people)
  • Future generations who will inhabit the communities, and engage with the ecosystem

Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 1 – No poverty
SDG 2 – Zero hunger
SDG 3 – Good health and well-being
SDG 5 – Gender equality
SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation
SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production
SDG 13 – Climate action
SDG 15 – Life on land
EcoLogic Development Fund
Establishment of home gardens
EcoLogic Development Fund

“I care for the land because the land takes care of me and gives me life, water, and food. Even when I do it as a volunteer, I proudly wear my shirt to show I am part of the monitoring brigade from my community.”- Andrés Sánchez, Age 60, Vega del Sol


"The home gardens and agroecology initiatives are a big help for the local economy, it's so great when you're already harvesting... but first you have to sow and that requires a lot of work but we will do it again." - Carmen Gutierrez, San José Chiltepec


“I see the certification as an example to follow to say: you are conserving without destroying the area to which the certificate is given... It has to be written down how many hectares and the location of the area we are conserving. We make a commitment and we do keep it... to take care of that area for 10 or more years”. -Abel Delfin, Santa María Jacatepec

Connexion avec les contributeurs
Other contributors
Marco Acevedo
EcoLogic Development Fund
Jose Leonardo Hernandez
Fondo Ambiental Regional de La Chinantla
Severiana Dominguez
Fondo Ambiental Regional de La Chinantla